Design Beginnings from Garfield

This is my first post and hopefully I can continue to write and share a bit of inspiration just as others have by writing their posts (you know who you are)

Looking back at my own past and how I got into design, I realized I started earlier than I thought. I come from a Filipino family that migrated here in the 1980s. Came here with little knowledge of English language and quickly figured out that you really didn’t have to talk much and if you smile, people will assume you are in agreement.

I spent a lot of quiet times by myself and gone into my own world by copying and drawing some of my older sisters drawings of Garfield and Odie. As I got better in doing that, I ventured out to Scooby-doo and others. I used my skills to create custom Valentine cards for my elementary grade school classmates. I would do a whole bunch at one sitting and handwrite their names with a nice message.

I got really good at art and people labeled me as an artist. As time went on drawing and painting became my retreat.

Early in high school I had to transfer out to another high school since my parents decided to move to a different city. All my friends disappeared and those were lonely days not knowing anyone in the new high school. I stuck with it for a year, but really missed my circle of friends.

An opportunity arose and found out that if my parents were working in a particular city, then I would be able to apply for an inter-district permit. All I needed was a business stationery with a parent’s letter stating they worked in the city where the high school was located.

I didn’t even know what a letterhead was…but by golly, I was going to make one. That was the point I realized I can create a business letterhead all by hand….and created a logotype for my mom’s business. I spent a good day trying to perfect everything and making it more official.

The letter worked by the way…and I realized that with a little hard work and innovation and a bit of motivation, you can make things happen. All my practice of drawing and art came to a touching point with the business & commercial world.

Moral of the story is that I realized that everything does happen for a reason and that your past is related to what you are doing now and the future. I am happy to say that I am still doing a form of art in design and still have a passion for it. I love making things more custom to what my business clients needs and goals are. I realize that with a little hard work, innovation and skills I can help my clients achieve their goals and success through my own desire to do great work for them.

And the journey continues…